Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Pagination" - What it means?

Pagination simply means the placing of advertisements and articles (editorials) in a newspaper page. It is one of the major fact which determines the success of publication process where as an inefficient pagination can lead to waste the valuable space of the newspaper and to lessen the interest of readers by messing up the content of the newspaper. So for a profitable newspaper publication the organizations must use a good pagination process.

Though the meaning is simple pagination has became a highly complex and most probably a time critical task in modern publication industry. The major reason for the complexity of this process is the need of publishing a quality newspaper. Different organizations define the quality of their publication based on different viewpoints. To achieve this quality they use some rules (standards) in their pagination process. These standards get differ from organization to organization.

As an example many of the newspaper readers does not read the entire news paper. But by using an easily readable newspaper layout readers eyes can catch so that, the pagination techniques are evolving, to find the best suitable layout. Successful pagination process requires preprocess that maps the logical structure of a newspaper to the physical structure.

Anyhow automated pagination systems have became a solution for the problem of complexity and time criticality of traditional manual based pagination processes. In modern world many large scale publications use automated systems which use many different algorithms for the automation purpose.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting article on the considerations of newspaper pagination
